Media Mental Health Mindset
The Campaign
The Self(ie) Love campaign is for you wellbeing, talking all things Media, Mental Health & Mindset. Research supports that social media impacts our mental health, and specifically how we see ourselves.
To get involved in the conversation, listen to our podcast, follow our Instagram page (@selfielove_podcast) and share a #aunaturale selfie and donate!

The Movement
How does the #aunaturale challenge work?
1. Simply post a selfie without makeup, filters or editing...
2. Tag 3 friends to complete the challenge and donate to the Body Dysmorphic Disorder Foundation... and that’s it!
Our favourite entries will get reposted on our Instagram page so make sure you tag us!

The Resources
If you have suicidal thoughts, have thoughts about harming yourself or others, or have harmed yourself, you need urgent medical help. Someone can help you, it is important to seek support by reviewing our Resources listed for you. If you just want some general help or want to learn more about how to manage social media or mental health yourself, we have a tool kit for you as well.

The Research
Research shows that there is a substantial problem in poor body image and social media usage amongst young people. Self(ie) Love wanted to play a part in furthering the understanding about these issues, so we decided to use a small survey addressing social media and body image separately, and as integrated issues, to investigate their effects.